Samstag, 29 September 2018 18:52

Driven Partridge Shooting

174 Bild Partridge England
Foto: Verfasser

French Partridges along with Pheasants are the UK’s most hunted birds with the season commencing of September 1st through to 1st February.

The Red-Legged Partridge is not native to Britain and was introduced from Continental Europe around 1770. The Red- Legged Partridge are larger than our native English grey Partridge, it has a white chin and throat patch bordered with black. It has a greyish body with bold black flank stripes and a chestnut-sided tail. Partridges are commonly found on lowland farmland in open areas and are traditionally flushed from hedges and cover crops. In flight partridges are very agile and with their rapid wing beat give the impression that they fly a lot faster than the Pheasant.

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Freitag, 03 Februar 2017 10:05

Driven Pheasant

107 Bild Hohe Fasan

"Ripley Sporting is a group of traditional driven game shoots and grouse moors. Established in 1995 it is made up of three driven pheasant and partridge Shoots and two driven grouse Moors." So beschreibt der Shoot-Captain Frank Boddy die typisch englische Variante einer Gesellschaftsjagd im Norden der Grafschaft Yorkshire. In der Parklandschaft von Ripley Castle, einem Besitz der Barons of Ingelby aus dem 14. Jahrhundert pflegen nicht nur die Banker aus London, sondern auch die eingesessenen Leute vom Lande eine Jahrhunderte alte Jagdart. “Just how a Proper Driven Shoot Day should be”. Die romantische Stimmungs-Landschaft des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts, von William Turner entdeckt und vielfach gemalt, bildet den perfekten Rahmen: ..."mainly in God´s own Country, our beautiful North Yorkshire countryside".

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